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Meet Alexa

Alexa's story

Electrolysis Support Fund recipient


Alexa (she/her) is a trans woman from Massachusetts. She lives with a serious disability in which certain sensory inputs, including tactile sensations like shaving her face, trigger seizures.

She shared, “Every morning, I’m forced to choose between the crushing depression and social anxiety of not shaving my face, OR risk having massive panic attack and seizure from shaving.” These panic attacks and seizures are debilitating for Alexa, so she is eager to have laser hair removal and live her daily life far more comfortably and easily.

Alexa's timeline

  • Award Granted

    November 12, 2019

    Alexa was awarded a grant toward permanent hair removal!

Grant details

$1,000 towards gender-affirming care.

About Hair Removal: Femme Award

On average, it costs $2,300+ for Alexa's care.

What is it?

Point of Pride provides grants to trans femme people seeking hair removal on their face, neck, or an area of the body in preparation for bottom surgery.

What is life like for a person who needs this care?

For trans femme folks, particularly trans femmes of color, access to facial hair removal often equates to safety against anti-trans violence or discrimination. It's common for applicants to note issues with employment and public safety, particularly if their facial hair is dark or thick. Electrolysis and laser hair removal services are often deemed cosmetic and therefore not covered by health insurance plans.

What is the impact of this care on the recipient’s life?

Access to hair removal often leads to a more positive emotional well-being, increased confidence, increased safety when in public, and better opportunities at employment and more.