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Meet Jayni


Jayni's story

Electrolysis Support Fund recipient

Jayni (she/her) is a 38-year-old trans woman from North Carolina. She's been medically transitioning since 2020 while working as a pizza delivery driver and paying the bulk of her household's bills due to her wife's health limitations. Thanks to being on the brink of poverty, Jayni qualifies for government healthcare, but unfortunately it doesn't cover hair removal so she's had to spend many months skimping and stashing away tip money for expensive and endless laser sessions while barely making ends meet.

Due to the wave of anti-trans bills being passed in the US, Jayni worries often about her insurance coverage for trans healthcare being taken away before she can attain gender affirming surgery. She dreads being unable to get bottom surgery, which would leave her feeling incomplete and unable to fully exist as herself without dysphoria. "Receiving timely electrolysis treatments will lead to being able to get surgery and therefore feel a huge sense of relief and inner peace," Jayni shares. "And true joy. Finally." Jayni is a creative and talented digital artist who loves cute things and animals, especially cats. She enjoys spending time with her loving wife who has supported her throughout her transition.

Jayni's timeline

  • Care Received

    August 15, 2023

    A payment has been made toward Jayni's permanent hair removal!
  • Update

    August 31, 2023

    Jayni shared, "I had facial feminization surgery [today]! This was a dream come true for me, and seeing the woman in the mirror since then has thankfully become much easier."
  • Update

    September 20, 2023

    Jayni shared, "It's because of this grant that my long term goals remain on track and continue to progress. If I was paying out of pocket, I'd have to postpone electrolysis until I could spare significant funds to go towards it, which might take many, many months. This would have set me back considerably on reaching my goal of bottom surgery in the next year. However, because of Point of Pride, I'm still able to make progress towards that goal, and my bottom surgery date is going to be scheduled in the near future for sometime in 2024."
  • Care Received

    November 7, 2023

    A payment has been made toward Jayni's permanent hair removal!
  • Renewal Award Granted

    February 13, 2024

    Jayni was offered a renewal award
  • Care Received

    March 2, 2024

    A payment has been made toward Jayni's permanent hair removal!
  • Update

    May 5, 2024

    Jayni shared, "The fact I'm still able to make it to electrolysis at all (despite mounting car troubles, leaving a job where my wife and I were being mistreated, very nearly almost getting evicted) is a small miracle in itself.

    One small source of hope is that I can somehow still have my bottom surgery before the end of the year. While that will also be an uphill battle, it wouldn't be even remotely possible without the assistance from Point of Pride.

    Point of Pride has been the one thing keeping me steady on the path towards my transition goals by helping cover one of the priciest aspects of it (that isn't covered by insurance). Even if I still have to pay for a few electrolysis sessions on my own when the grant runs out, there's no way I could have gotten this far without the assistance of Point of Pride."

    2024-PointOfPride_Recipient_jayni 2024-05-05


  • Care Received

    May 6, 2024

    A payment has been made toward Jayni's permanent hair removal!

  • Update

    July 17, 2024

    Jayni shared, "It is still baffling to me that insurance can cover a major surgery like vaginoplasty, but the hours and hours of hair removal necessary to even consider such a surgery are not covered at all. This creates a major impasse which makes even covered procedures unaffordable to lower income trans folks.

    That's why these funds for electrolysis and laser hair removal are so important for us. I'm painfully aware that without insurance coverage or financial aide such as that from Point of Pride, I wouldn't be able to afford to transition at all. I would certainly not be able to realize the dream of having a body which fully fits my identity, and bottom surgery would be but a far-fetched fantasy.

    Having access to these forms of hair removal has been crucial in me being able to live my life authentically. Facial hair removal was essentially life-saving for a baby trans woman trying to fit in as her gender and finally feel like her true self. As someone who has longed to have a vagina for the longest time, it seems almost cruel that at least a full year of electrolysis is needed before surgery is possible. However, thanks to Point of Pride, I've been given hope that eventually my biggest transition goal will be realized."

  • Care Received

    August 14, 2024

    A payment has been made toward Jayni's permanent hair removal!

Grant details

$3,750 towards gender-affirming care.

TikTok-a-Thon grantee

About Hair Removal: Femme Award

On average, it costs $2,300+ for Jayni's care.

What is it?

Point of Pride provides grants to trans femme people seeking hair removal on their face, neck, or an area of the body in preparation for bottom surgery.

What is life like for a person who needs this care?

For trans femme folks, particularly trans femmes of color, access to facial hair removal often equates to safety against anti-trans violence or discrimination. It's common for applicants to note issues with employment and public safety, particularly if their facial hair is dark or thick. Electrolysis and laser hair removal services are often deemed cosmetic and therefore not covered by health insurance plans.

What is the impact of this care on the recipient’s life?

Access to hair removal often leads to a more positive emotional well-being, increased confidence, increased safety when in public, and better opportunities at employment and more.