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Meet Mark

Mark's story

HRT Access Fund recipient


Mark (he/him) is a 32-year-old trans man. The last couple years have been extremely financially and emotionally difficult for Mark: he was homeless, car-less, and jobless. Without a car, Mark spent a significant amount on time commuting by bus. His most recent move into transitional housing into his own apartment with the YWCA meant moving away from this medical provider and therefore being unable to access treatment.

"Gender-affirming care will allow me to live the best version of myself," Mark says. "I won’t have to worry about 'how will I get to this appointment?' or 'will I have enough to pay for treatment and medication?' This is a huge burden that has been lifted off my shoulders." Mark is a single parent to 3 amazing little boys, as well as a recovering addict with 2½ years sober.

Mark's timeline

  • Award Granted

    September 13, 2023

    Mark was awarded a grant toward HRT/GaHT!
  • HRT Onboarding Date

    October 18, 2023

    Mark was seen by his HRT/GaHT provider.
  • Update

    January 28, 2024

    Mark shared, "My HRT Grant with Point of Pride has allowed me to access HRT on my schedule, which has dramatically improved the quality of my life. Video visits with a provider has been life changing! If I have a question or concern, I can go on the app anytime of the day and send a message and I receive a quick response! I used to go to a brick and mortar treatment provider, however, their hours just didn't work for my demanding schedule. Since receiving the Point of Pride grant and being able to continue HRT therapy, my confidence in my own skin has drastically improved. When you are comfortable in your own skin, it allows to you focus on other important priorities. Because my self confidence has improved, I've received soo many positive compliments. Since discovering Point of Pride and Plume, I am able to be the best version of myself. You can't put a price on that. My voice has gotten deeper and my facial hair has started to come in. I've always wanted to have a beard, and now it's finally happening!".
  • Update

    May 28, 2024

    Mark shared, "Since receiving the HRT Grant with Point of Pride, the ability to access HRT treatment has been life changing. I am no longer at the mercy of a doctor's office hours and having to go in person to receive the necessary care. I use my HRT Grant with Plume and everything is done through the app! I love it! I never have to wait on hold! Those days are over. If I need a medication refill, need to ask a question, or need to see the doctor (remotely) it’s all in the app.

    For me, HRT means being comfortable in my own skin. Since starting HRT August 2022, I’ve had so many people tell me that I’m soo much happier. Something I never noticed till it was pointed out. When you’re happy you feel confident. You go into life’s everyday challenges/ situations empowered to conquer them. "

Grant details

$1,450 towards gender-affirming care.

TikTok-a-Thon grantee

About Testosterone+

On average, it costs $1,200+/year for Mark's care.

What is it?

Testosterone+ refers to the gender-affirming hormone replacement therapy (HRT) methods that some trans men, trans masc, and non-binary people take that result in physical changes which align with their gender identity. Every person's preferences and personal healthcare needs vary, so this can include oral medications, injections, and transdermal patches.

How accessible is it for trans folks to receive this care?

For trans folks who live in states most impacted by anti-trans healthcare legislation, it can be extremely difficult to find a knowledgeable, trans-affirming provider as well as access prescription medication. Many insurance plans do not cover HRT. For trans folks without insurance coverage, the ongoing out-of-pocket expense can be challenging.

What is the impact of this care on the recipient’s life?

Testosterone+ introduces a wide range of masculinizing physical, emotional, and psychological changes that align with their gender identity. This often leads to a more positive emotional well-being, increased confidence, increased safety when in public, and better opportunities at employment and more.