Electrolysis Support Fund Expands Eligibility and Increases Grant Awards

Effective immediately for the 2025 cycle and future cycles, Point of Pride is excited to announce two major updates to our Electrolysis Support Fund: expanded eligibility to include all genders and increased grant packages to better support recipients’ needs.
Expanding Access to All Genders
When we launched the Electrolysis Support Fund in 2018, it was designed to provide financial assistance to trans femme individuals seeking electrolysis or laser hair removal. In 2023, we extended eligibility to include trans masc individuals seeking hair removal as part of surgery preparation.
Along the way, we’ve continued to listen to feedback from our community. We know that hair removal isn’t just a surgical necessity for some—it can be vital to many masc and non-binary folks seeking to lessen unwanted facial or body hair to affirm their identities or combat dysphoria.
Thanks to generous donors, we can now support more recipients than ever before. Starting today, all trans, non-binary, and gender-diverse individuals can apply for support, regardless of their reason for hair removal.
While expanding access, our commitment to equity remains central. Hair removal is often essential for physical safety, particularly for trans femmes of color, who face disproportionate violence and discrimination. This program will continue to prioritize applications from trans femmes of color seeking hair removal on the face and neck to reduce risks of harm.
All applications will continue to be reviewed in depth by multiple trans-identified reviewers with diverse lived experiences, ensuring fairness and inclusivity in the process.
Increased Grant Award Packages
We are also proud to announce that grant award packages will now include additional stipends to support transportation and pain management costs associated with hair removal sessions. These updates aim to make the process more accessible and comfortable for recipients.
Previously, recipients received grants of $1,250–$2,000 toward hair removal services. Beginning with the 2025 cycle, each grant package will also include an additional:
- A stipend of up to $250 for transportation, to help recipients get to and from their appointments
- A stipend of up to $100 for pain medication or other comfort measures to improve their experience
These updates are designed to make hair removal a little less stressful—helping with the costs of getting to appointments and staying comfortable during sessions—so recipients can focus on their health.
Applications for the 2025 cycle are open now until February 28, 2025. Learn more and apply to the Electrolysis Support Fund
P.S. If you'd like to support this work, you can make a gift of any size or consider volunteering as a Community Grantmaking Fellow. Thank you for uplifting our trans siblings!

Written by Point of Pride
Point of Pride provides financial aid and direct support to trans folks in need of health and wellness care.